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Help me develop DynamicForms!

Remember to work on src/*.ts files and test them building the bundle and importing dist/dynamicforms.js (of course you can import individual files manually if you prefer so).

Useful commands:

  • yarn build:dev - Build the project in development mode: this enables dev tools and keeps references to original source code; you can use it with --watch flag
  • yarn build:prod - Build the project in production mode: this improves performance and security (hide all source code references); you can use it with --watch flag
  • yarn build - Build both dev file and prod file
  • yarn build:diagrams - Updates classdiagram.svg from classdiagram.mmd

Please, update also the documentation if you change anything.

Thank you very much for your support ❤


DynamicForms is build considered some use-cases I faced in my career.

It is a very generic library but there may be other use cases which I didn't account for. In this case please let me know, we can work together in implementing new features.


If you have trouble using DynamicForms open an issue, I'll be glad to help you. Suggestions are also welcome!

It will be useful if you pass me some code to try: you can use tools like CodePen, PasteBin etc.

Project Structure#

Here is the UML Class Diagram to help you understand the project structure. Types are not specified for space reasons: the diagram is created using Mermaid which places elements automatically.


    class DynamicForm {
        FormConfiguration config
        HTMLFormElement htmlElement
        Map❬String DynamicElement❭ entities
        boolean debug
        boolean enabled
        json elementToClassMapping

        +ready() Promise❬void❭
        +notify(subjectName) Promise❬void❭
        -fetchAllParameters(rule) object
        -clearCascade(currentSubject) Promise❬void❭
        +manualUpdate(data, subjectName) Promise❬void❭
        -getField(name) DynamicElement
        +getId() string
        +setEnabled() void
        +isEnabled() boolean

    class dynamicForms {
        -Map❬String DynamicForm❭ formCollection
        +makeForm(formConfiguration) DynamicForm
        +getForm(id) DynamicForm

    note for dynamicForms "Library entrypoint"

    class ConfigurationFixer {
        +fix(formHtmlElement, formConfiguration) FormConfiguration

    class FieldBuilder {
        +createFieldsMap(fieldsCollection, htmlForm)

    class DynamicElement {
        -FieldConfiguration config
        -NodeList htmlElement
        -string name
        -JSON defaultConfig
        +get() string
        +set(value) string
        +update(data, subjectName)
        #beforeUpdate(data, subjectName) boolean
        #updateStatus(data, subjectName) Promise❬void❭
        #afterUpdate(data, subjectName) boolean

    class DynamicSelect {
        -string method
        +postProcessData(data) object[]
        +saveData(data) void

    dynamicForms --> ConfigurationFixer
    dynamicForms --> FieldBuilder

    DynamicForm <-- dynamicForms
    DynamicForm o-- DynamicElement

    DynamicElement <|-- DynamicSelect
    DynamicElement <|-- DynamicCheckbox
    DynamicElement <|-- DynamicRadio